
6-9 years old

Understand the role of money and its history in society. Know the functions of banks and the principles of the banking system. Distinguish between types of bank cards, be able to use them and conduct secure financial transactions.

What will you learn?

— Financial History

— Fundamentals of the banking system

— Cards and payments

— Savings and investments

— The world of financial technology

10-14 years old

Understand global financial systems and their impact. Know the history of money and the various payment methods. Manage debts, savings, investments, and ensure financial security, including online.

What will you learn?

— Global financial systems

— History of money and payments

— Credit and debts

— Savings and investments

— Financial and online security

15-18 years old

Understand the role of money and its history in society. Know the functions of banks and the principles of the banking system. Distinguish between types of bank cards, be able to use them and conduct secure financial transactions.

What will you learn?

— Savings Management

Financial health and psychology

— Career guidance and career

— Financial independence and investments

— Critical thinking and analysis


4 types of certificates for all levels of your financial literacy

3 simple steps to get a certificate




Frequently asked questions

All popular questions are collected here, but if you haven't found the answer to your question, you can write to us in the chat
On what basis are financial lessons conducted, and who can take part in them?
Financial lessons are provided free of charge and are available to everyone.
What is the length of each financial lesson in the series?
ach financial lesson lasts up to 1 hour.
What language are the fin lessons taught in?
Fin. lessons are taught in Russian, Kazakh and English.
Can I change the selected language if I initially chose a different one?
Yes, you can change the selected language.
Can I combine my studies and study at the bcc junior course?
Yes, you can view lessons and video tutorial recordings in your personal account at any convenient time.
How do I register on your website?
To register on our website, go to the registration page and follow the instructions.
What are the age restrictions for access to lessons?
There are three age categories on our website: 6-9 years old, 10-14 years old and 15-18 years old. You will be automatically assigned to the appropriate category depending on your age at registration.
Can I be a representative of one age category and view lessons from another category?
No, our platform is designed to teach children according to their age level. A child belonging to a certain age category will not be able to view lessons from older or younger categories.
What should I do if I have completed all the lessons in my category?
After completing all the lessons in your category, you can take the test and receive a certificate of completion of the course.
How do I get a certificate?
To get a certificate, you must take a test on the topics covered in the lessons of your age category and successfully pass it.
Is it possible to take the test several times if I failed the first time?
Yes, you can try to take the test a second time if you didn't pass it on the first try. We encourage students to learn and develop!
How do I contact your support team?
If you have any questions or problems related to the use of our site, please write to us on WhatsApp, which is listed on the site. We will be happy to help you!